Fluid Spritz: Nieorganiczne przyspieszacze cieczy do natryskiwanych konglomeratów (beton natryskowy)
Fluid Spritz
Solution of mineral reactives (sodium silicate) to be used for the acceleration of setting of sprayed masonry and projected concretes, in the reinforcement of rocks outdoors and/or in a gallery, in laying self-sustaining and waterproofing claddings of tunnels, channels, vaults, basins, underground structures, etc., for use with specific equipment for hydrated mixtures (mixtures in which the silicate is sprayed on the shotcrete output nozzle).
Fluid Spritz is a wide diffusion accelerant characterised by ease of use, dosage variability according to the specific construction needs: reduction in the number of coating layers to be applied, reduction of patch layer laying time, reduction of rebound swarfs, option to operate even in cold weather.
Production of mortars and grouts sprayed with specific equipment (pumps for shotcrete machines) for hydrated mixtures in the reinforcement of rocks outdoors and/or in a gallery, in laying claddings, also with a load-bearing function, in galleries, on piles, sheet piles, diaphragms, channels, vaults, pondage, etc. In waterproofing underground structures. It can be used in structural sheets, for the safety of buildings affected by earthquakes.
Fluid Spritz must be previously introduced into a tank of suitable capacity to be added directly to the spray nozzle. It is always advisable to carry out preliminary tests to determine the most appropriate percentage product addition.
Packaging: 1350 kg tank
UM: €/kg